Resolutions and Shit *revised*

(Why yall niggas ain’t tell me I repeated a resolution?)

So let’s try something new. I’m gonna make some resolutions/goals for this year, and you’re gonna help keep me to it. Yes? Yes.

1. stop drinking (as much).
Except for holidays. And birthdays. (I’m pretty sure I’m getting fucked up in Miami for my bday) And weddings. And baby showers. (what?!?! All my friends are in their early 20s. We NEED to drink at that shit.) And happy hours. And weekends. Ok maybe notsomuch with this cuz my flask will get lonely. It was a present!!! I gotta use it.

2. blog more.
Except for when I’m busy. And when I’m stressed. Or outta town. Or blue. Or don’t have anything to say. Or being lazy.

3. Stop cursing so (goddamn) much.
I mean, shit. I am wildly intelligent. Do I mean to fucking tell me that I can barely form a damn sentence without cursing at some point? That’s just absofuckinlutely ridiculous.

What? Oh.
Ok I’ll work on it.

4. Stay celibate for…

5. be more forthcoming.
Ok seriously. I realize that I have probably gotten a little too good at segmenting my life and dishing it out to people in little doses. Over the last 7months or so, this has gotten progressively worse. So I’ll work on being private without being secretive, talking without saying anything.

Or, you know, yall niggas read in between the lines and shit.

6. Travel more.
I believe I have a trip planned thru August for every month of this year with the exception of February. Who wants me to come visit them in February? lol

7. Stop being so dependant on my phone.
You know what, you’re right. That’s never gonna happen. So let’s say…

7a. I’ll stop screening so much.
Yeah that’s not gonna happen either. Text message me!

8. stop having such an issue with being clocked.
Actually no. Fuck that. Who doesn’t know that I despise being checked and clocked and monitored? I hate it. We all know every once in awhile I feel it neccessary to take a heavy dose of getmissing. Leave me alone. I’m cool. So really my resolution is to make you stop clocking me. So in essence, it’s your resolution. Get to it goddammit.

9. Not get in any fights in 08.
Unless I run into K.B.’s ex again. I’m breaking that bitch up ON SIGHT.

10. Read more.
Books I mean. I’m all over the magazines and online news sites.

11. Watch my words.
I got to the point where I was pretty ok about tempering my words as to not offend people. Now, I think I kinda OD’ed on fuckit as a balancing act to getmissing and now I’m pretty sure this needs to be reigned in.
OR… niggas could stop being so goddamn sensitive.

*12. Grow my hair out.
I’m going for my best blackhispanichybridmiddleofthebacklengthvideohoehair in 08. Who’s in? lol

Did I really resolve anything? eh.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!! 🙂

14 thoughts on “Resolutions and Shit *revised*

  1. Umm…. New Jersey????? Yeah. Here. Now. I need my rib.And I’m sooooooo with you on growing my hair out. Let’s do it- I’ll be Salli Richardson before you know it 🙂


  2. Umm…. New Jersey????? Yeah. Here. Now. I need my rib.And I’m sooooooo with you on growing my hair out. Let’s do it- I’ll be Salli Richardson before you know it 🙂


  3. I dig the resolutions, but it’s just been easier for me to identify what I will and won’t accept and adjust accordingly. But #4 literally induced “until my head feels like it’s about to explode” laughter.


  4. hahaha hush Jam. Um… will it still be winter in Pittsburgh in Feb? Yeah… about that…V! Woo! Red! lolLMFAO! I’m SO gonna use that. “curse words are like frosted flakes…” YES! Come visit me please, lest I lose my mind here 😦Mr Jones, who the fuck DOESN’T have a goddamn foul mouth? You know, besides me. 😉 Welcome by the way. It only gets more ridiculous from here.Rashan I don’t even remember what phones looked like before they came equipped with caller ID. I DO however remember picking up the phone and once discovering it was someone I didn’t wanna talk to, getting someone to call on the other line. Ah the good ol days before the screen.Aw Mo. I’m glad I could bring some joy to your new year. Happy new year to you too!Stace! Thank you! Cirrosis really ain’t the big bad wolf everyone wants us to believe, lol. Where do we stand on the Tiffany’s flask though? lolb. good, it wouldn’t be a new year if I weren’t even more ridiculous this time around than the last. enjoy! lol


  5. i was thru with you on #1. for the very same reason why i DON’T make resolutions.the only valid resolution someone can make is to lose weight cause that is health related.and you know, cirrosis isn’t <>that<> bad…


  6. I’ve got a fucking foul mouth, too. Don’t feel too badly. I listed my resolutions on my blog, but I’m adding another: I resolve to come here more often. I love what you have to say. I’ll be back sooner than later. I’m sure I won;t eat my words.


  7. Cursewords are great. They’re like sugar on frosted flakes: unnecessary but good on the tongue. Maybe I come see you Feb? We work on that. If I can manage to get another week off…


  8. Cursewords are great. They’re like sugar on frosted flakes: unnecessary but good on the tongue. Maybe I come see you Feb? We work on that. If I can manage to get another week off…


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