Blah. **UPDATED**

Hey people!

First things first… thanks for all your well wishes about my brother. He is out of the hospital and home and doing well. ๐Ÿ™‚

I am all over the place and trying to come up with a real post for you guys but you will have to deal with this randomness like…

I spent my Thanksgiving in Vegas/L.A. What did you do? **batting my eyelashes innocently**

I finally got a new camera. I am pretty sure that it is all I need in this world to survive… that and some more Roscoe’s. Jesus. SOOOOO good, lol

Speaking of LA… I got to meet mia. She is every bit as gorgeous, fantastic, warm and funny as I thought she would be. It’s ok to be jealous. We understand.

We also went to see BBD at the House of Blues on Sunset.

I’ll hold for your jealousy and hatred…

If BBD comes to your town on tour (because, oh yes, they are TOURING) then do yourself a favor and GO!!! It was a damn good show. Probably the best I have seen since Stevie Wonder. Pics and a video of Poison will be posted later.


Why is it that I get so completely swept up in the last scene from The First Wives Club when they are singing “You Don’t Own Me”? It’s gotta be one of my all time favoritest scenes from a movie. So much so that I have the song on my ipod. And may or may not have busted out singing it in the middle of LAX… complete with choreography.

Anywho, forgive this lack of a real post. I’ll work on it… maybe. Or, I’ll tell you that I will but instead will settle in for a Clean House Marathon. Either or.

So far my holiday season doesn’t suck horribly. Let’s hope it sticks!!! lol


I just saw this video on Perez Hilton and nevermind that I agree with almost every point that is made, the most important thing is…


See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

10 thoughts on “Blah. **UPDATED**

  1. Yay lil brother! Yeah ima need him to eat something…I can’t get over how much I hate you for seeing bbd. I’m going to mention it every time you do. Maybe you could write about what you want for Christmas, cuz I’m lost.


  2. <>You like me… You really like me…<> ร  la Sally Field circa 1985.I knew I was going to adore you from that first hug, with those big ol’ eyes and beautiful skin. I love when you meet someone and you feel like you’ve known them forever. I’m so glad to have met you, and I hope that you come back soon! I already miss my new little sister!!!


  3. I’ve been slacking…didn’t know your brother was in the hospital, but I’m glad to hear he’s doing much better though!batting eyelashes innocently???? innocently???? hmmmm lmao!


  4. I’m glad your brother is doing much better, that’s always a good look.And new cameras are a helluva drug…I’ve taken and deleted more pictures in the last month and a half than I have in the previous 15 years total.Oh yeah, over/under on how many people wanted to engage in love in the club after BBD broke out with “Something in your eyes”: 25. That’s my bet.


  5. Oh joy. :o)Glad your brother is doing okay. I couldn’t evn comment on the last post ’cause I was sniffling and sniveling so much…Alas… back to it, grasshopper. Give me something to chortle about. :o)


  6. actually Lady pushed me out of line so I was first.. no..she was first (looking at the floor) Girl I don’t know these people you are looking for in concert..Are you ladies coming to the essence festival next year in the N.O???Go b.


  7. Am I first?I am FIRST!!!What’s up La, with your random azz!! Glad you made it home safely. I’m in the market for a new camera, so post a couple of pics from yours so I can see how they look. Much obliged!


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